凤城中盛贸易有限公司位于丹东凤城市,是**的食品供应商,集生产贸易销售于一体。主营速冻水果蔬菜,FD产品,果脯,果汁,果酒等产品。 Fengcheng Sino-Grand Trading Ltd. locates in Fengcheng City of Dandong Liaoning. It is a professional foodstuff supplier, it is also a production,trade and sales as one integrated industrial company. Our mainly products are frozen fruit, vegetables, FD products, dried berries, juices, berries wine etc. 公司自建立以来,专注于**领域的发展,*团队的组建和庞大购销网络的支持,以**客户得到较**的品质,较有效的服务,较大的支持,较可信任的合作伙伴。 Our company concentrate on development of specialist on food industry, effective team building and broad buy-sell net support so the customer get the reliable quality, effective service, the best supply support and the most hono..